Quote Originally Posted by TakahiroW4047

Quote Originally Posted by TucsonTRD

What minimum focus setting did you have the lens set at? 1.3m or 3m. That could have affected your shots in the 10ft range.

I was under the impression that that setting was there to reduce focusing time by allowing the lens to not have to span through the entire focus range?

Correct - the focus limiter just limits the distances through which the AF system will attempt to achieve focus. With the limiter at the longer distance, you simply could not achieve autofocus close than that (meaning an OOF shot in AI-Servo mode with release priority, for example, but I don't think that's an option on a 300D).

RE focus and recompose, you're still probably better off using the closest AF point to the subject that you can, given your desired composition, to minimize the amount of movement you need to make during recomposition.