Quote Originally Posted by Chris White
but for me the upgrade was not worth the expense. I have the grip and extra batteries for the 50D. By the time I add those to a 7D it makes it more expensive in an apples-to-apples comparison. In my real world shooting, I do not feel that I would see enough of a difference to justify the cost of a minor upgrade to me.

I wouldn't call upgrading from a 50d to a 7d a minor upgrade. As peety3 said, "the 7d is light years ahead of the xxd bodies". Much better build, much better viewfinder, much better high ISO performance (1600 is actually USABLE!), much better AF, much better weather sealing, much better sharpness. Not a minor upgrade.

Quote Originally Posted by Chris White
The 40D to 50D question some had when the 50D came out.

The 40D and 50D are almost the same camera. The 7D is nothing like the 40d or 50d. It's in a different class and costs $700 more for a reason.

However, I will notice you said it was a minor upgrade "for you" so I might think that you could sell your 50d and buy a 1D4. It might not be quite as good as a 5D2 at lowlight and high ISO photography, but it'll certainly handily outperform your 50d until a 5D2 (or 5D3) is a possible buy.

my 2¢