Alan thanks for thirding, according to the spell check it is not a word, but I will accept it.

Jon, thank you for your real world experience and your point by point reply.

I did not put a poll up but if I had I think the order of recommendation thus far would be:
  1. 5DII
  2. 7D
  3. 1DIV

I thought the 1DIV would be higher. I do know that the people with 5DII's always rave about them. The 7D seems equally loved. I do see the logic in the 5DII and 7D combo. I could add grips and extra batteries and still have a good deposit towards another L lens for the 1DIV cost. And selling the 50D would pretty much close any remaining glass deficit. On the other hand, junior is already eying up the 50D.

I am going to monitor this thread through the weekend as I weigh the options. I am leaning towards the 5DII right now, which is what I was thinking when I started this thread. Right now the 5DII is $400 less than a year ago and even if a 5DIII came out next month, it would most likely be priced back at the original 5DII price or higher. Only Canon and the Good Lord know that plan. Moreover the 5DII would still be a great camera and I could have it in my hands in time to shoot my daughter's dance recital, not insignificant to me.
