
instead of taking a single shot of any subject, I often take several, in order to choose the one with the best focus/sharpness later at home. And I'm sure that most everybody here does the same thing.

In theory, when dealing with compressed images, with everything else being the same, the more high-frequency detail there is in the signal, here the image, the larger the file is.

In my experience this works so well that I often just keep the largest file from a sequence of identical shots, without even bothering with pixel-peeping and 200% magnifications etc., since the large file size indicates more detail, which comes from best focus and sharpness.

Of course this method won't always work, and can be put off by some overly-detailed background, but still, I was wondering whether anybody (or everybody) else was using this method to quickly find the best image in a sequence...?

Ciao, Colin