Quote Originally Posted by bob williams
Question #1.-------The 7D owners manual suggests that you shoot video with AF turned off, but I will be shooting lots of fast moving stuff so- what to do, shoot Manual focus anyway or shoot AF and risk the occasional "AF hunting" when a subject moves?

AF does work, but not continuously (at least not that I know of) and while autofocussing the camera often changes settings to get more contrast to focus, so your shot will be messed up. So don't get your hopes too high on that one. Manual focus is the way to go. Try a bigger DOF, perhaps a shorter lens to make your DOF bigger or stand further away.

Quote Originally Posted by bob williams
Question #2------what would be the best video speed to shoot at for this type of video? I don't understand why 29 fps is "jumpier" than the slower speeds?

I read somewhere that a shutterspeed between 1/50 and 1/80 gives the nicest flowing results. But I can't remember where I read it, so I can't confirm or explain it.

Quote Originally Posted by bob williams
Question #3------Most of my shooting will be outside, in New Mexico, in June and July---Very bright, very sunny,subjects dressed in black- concrete buildings, etc---a contrast nightmare----Low ISO, High shutter speeds---what am I missing? ND filter?

Perhaps a/some reflector(s). At least if that's possible in your setting. Else pay good attention at the angle of the sun etc etc just like normal shooting.

Quote Originally Posted by bob williams
Also, I am installing a new video card and power supply into my computer tonight. Sometimes I can do this in an hour, sometimes it takes a day or two to work out the bugs, so please don't be offended if it takes me some time to respond to your comments and suggestions----

Good luck with that and your video! Looking forward to your dedicated video-thread later on, because maybe then I'll use it more...
