Well, I took the camera into the back yard for a test run -----throwing the ball for my dogs. Should be similar to the shooting environment I am planning, i.e. bright sunlight, dark subjects, lots of action.-----Shooting parameters:

Lens 24-105L, HD-24fps, Manual focus,IS off, white balance set to sunlight, iso 200, Highlight tone priority enabled, shutter 160th, aperture 9.0.

With these settings the color, whitebalance seemed very good. Depth of field was fairly deep and seemed to maintain reasonable focus through30ft range.

The video wasn't as smooth as I would like it but it wasn't bad.

The problem---when I converted the MOV to AVI, the video became very choppy and lost some of the color and clarity. I converted with MPEG Streamclip 1.2---

Any recommendations are appreciated.
