Quote Originally Posted by bob williams

Quote Originally Posted by bob williams

Quote Originally Posted by mikehillman89
If it's the actual software that seems to be the problem try NeoScene

Ok Mike---Downloaded and used NeoScene to convert .MOV to .AVI----Works Great---Had to do a couple of adjustments, but on the second attempt---I think the converted file looked better than the .MOV---I am very impressed----now I just have to decide if it is worth buying--$129.----I am not serious enough about video to invest in Premier Pro, and since I already own Premier Elements, I guess I will eventually need Conversion Software---This video stuff can get expensive, very quickly---So, for any one thinking about video, This is what I have had to do so far:

1. Upgrade my Graphics Card--I had an old one that came with my machine---$220

2. Upgrade my power supply to support the graphics card--$60

3. Purchased Premier Elements to edit video and sound--$99 (-$20 mail in rebate)

4. Purchased Firewire card and cable to connect accomodate commercial camera I am using from work---$89 (of course firewire is much better than usb for my back up drives as well)

5. If I want to convert Native 7D .MOV files to something usable in Premier Elements, Then buy NeoScene--$129 (Not yet purchased)

total---$597-----Just for the Amatuer/consumer stuff.

6. Of course, If I want to process 7d/5DII HD video natively, I could just buy Premier Pro for $799---But than I would have to upgrade my processor as well to at least 3gig (as recommended by Adobe)---I'll skip this one for now.

There are probably cheaper ways to do video, but this is what I have discovered so far.

I would love to hear what others have realized/discovered through this process.

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