I was look for a forum to punch my question into, and seeing that I've been looking at all the photos on the site here to see which lens I want to buy I figured I'd start here.

A little background : I'm a web designer so photoshop is no stranger to me. Since I've had a baby girl I've really wanted to step up my photography skills a whole bunch... so I got a Canon t2i and started taking shots. I currently have the kit lenses : Canon 18-55mm f/3.5-5.6 IS and the EF 75-300mm f/4.0-5.6 III.

I can take nice photos with both, but I want exceptional photos. I don't have a lot of money but I know that if I want amazing photos I'm gonna need some L-class glass. Keep in mind, I'm going to be taking photos of my daughter - many of them in a split second and speed might be of value.

I've taken the time to learn a little about aperture and I know that the lower my fstops the faster I can take a picture and the better I can get the bokeh. I also know that IS is very important especially with someone that doesn't have seasoned photography hands.

So my question is this : I can spend a lot of money on one lens, and only one. I won't have more money for another lens for a couple of years. I do plan on getting a full frame camera in the future so I'm going with an EF and not an EF-S.

From what I see there are two lenses that probably fits what I need - EF 24-70mm f/2.8L USM or the EF 24-105mm f/4L IS USM. Now I'd really like to have the f/2.8 over the f/4 but the f/4 has IS. Why did Canon make such a hard choice?

Am I barking up the wrong tree? Should I be looking for a different lens? Or am I on the right track? I'm lost but I wanna buy a lens... PLEASE ADVISE!
