Definitely OUCH, Ben! Glad you're better and up and around. Not that I'd encourage this, but I know a few orthopedists (none of whom ride motorcycles [:P]) that teach folks how to DIY the reduction. Not so much DIY, I guess, but more DITSE (do it to someone else). Not sure how they did yours in the hospital, but in the field it's lay you down on your back, foot on ribcage from the side, grab forearm, hold at 45° angle and pull...then release. Not something I'd want to experience either way, although I did spill a few dirtbikes way back when (13-14, IIRC), all I got were a few bruises.

Quote Originally Posted by btaylor
Might concentrate on some less self-destructive hobbies like photography and beer drinking.


Makes for less interesting self portraits, perhaps... [6]