I know, July 4th fireworks photos, how original. But I always thought it was amazing seeing good photos of fireworks online and I was really looking forward to taking some photos Sunday night.

On July 2nd, I scouted a couple different locations for my city's fireworks and had a good plan. But then, almost as expected, the evening of the fourth we (wife and I) decided to stay on our side of town and setup for the show a nearby resort was going to be doing. So I did a quick scouting trip of advantageous parking lots and we setup for the fireworks. I took my 17-55 (planned on using this one) and my 70-200 f/4 (just in case). After my first capture, I immediately realized I needed the 70-200 so I made the swap. I made a few focal length tweaks, but I was pretty much set near 135mm (on my 50D), so we were a little further away than I would have liked. It was harder than I expected to check focus on the lcd, even zooming, so I was pretty worried about that. I think they turned out pretty good though.

I truly welcome any criticism or suggestions for improvement. These are my four favorite at this point (I have about 100 good/decent photos)

EXIF: 131-145mm, bulb shutter (usually 2-4 seconds), iso100, f/9, cable release









Thanks for looking!!!
