Call your insurance agent(s) and ask them what they can offer. Everyone calls it something different, but I have "Valuable Personal Property" coverage, which is the same coverage used for art, guns, and jewelry (at least with my insurance company). For me, the annual premium is about 1.5% of the gear's value, and it's a no-deductible replacement-cost plan. If something is lost, I show them the current equivalent model on a website (been there, done that) and they cut a check (or in my case, did a direct deposit) for the value of the gear. Have serial numbers handy, and have links handy for the current model(s) of whatever you have showing the price. They've actually offered to add in sales tax to the listed value, so that I can be eligible for reimbursement to cover my true cost to replace the stuff. I'm not going to tell you to get those links from the highest-price store in town though. I tried to get my insurance to cover my oodles of rechargeable AA batteries for flashes, but they wouldn't go for that.

FWIW, my plan does not cover professional activities, so as a result I stay strictly "hobbyist" and don't take payment for any of my work. I suspect that'll change soon, as I'd like some revenue to begin offsetting my expenditures on gear. If you are "pro", you should be looking for business insurance geared for photographers. That was about six times the cost of my current policy.