I am most of the time wedding photographer for some 8 years.

But sometimes I do some fashion shootings.

I used plenty of Canon cameras and lenses... Calibrated Cinema on my mac pro...

Here I would like to speak about weakness of 5DII sensor.

I wonder how many of you guys are really satisfied with their ooc results on canon 5DII?

First of all I must say I am getting pretty much frustrate how weird can human skin look with my camera.

Sometimes I use flash for fill in the subject in darker places or Lastolite reflector in nature without flash...

Workflow: PP raw files in C1, LR, ACR... Picker, white balance on something grey, black or white andsometimes I use grey card on the field.

It balance surroundings pretty well but it is almost impossible to get realistic skin tons!!! Skin is sometimes simply unpleasant !

That would be the first problem. And the second one...

My Camera is usually set to AWB (Sometimes "K" or custom WB) and if it not set in camera to WB shift/BKT to B2, G2 my files simply has to much of magenta.

I regret I bought it because sometimes i got the feeling i have to wrestle with files.

I heard the same thing from my friends who uses 5DII...

Original 5D is King of Canons... And Canon 1DsIII is worth the money when compared to 5DII

The last wedding i shoot i used my trusty Canon 1VHS with few rolls of Fuji Reala 100

Skin and nature colors are simply natural and beautiful.

BL: I am so frustrated