Hi everyone! I've managed to pick myself up an 85mm f1.2 II Lens, and I'm trying to learn a little more about this amazing piece of glass.

Below is one of the first shots I've taken with this lens with my 7D. The thing that is surprising me is the axial CA. Areas in front of the focal plane are suffering from magenta CA, whereas areas behind the focal plane are suffering from a lesser blue\green CA. This particular shot is at f/1.4.

I don't really have much experience with really wide-aperture lenses, most everything else I use is f/2.8. Is this kind of thing typical of wide-apertures? Of the 85mm f/1.2 II, or perhaps this copy specifically? I don't have much to compare it to. This CA disappears by f/2.0 or so, but winder it is visible in almost everything, even low contrast images.

Anyone have similar experiences with this or other wide lenses? What lens would you have chosen to capture this scene in a similar way?
