A few from this weekend's outing in the mountains of Northern New Mexico. Cloudy overcast day, rain and heavy shade in most areas. The Waterfall was very challenging because I had to get me, the camera and the tripod down some steep, wet, muddy terrain to get to it while trying to protect the camera from the rain.

7d,100-400, F6.3, 1/640, Iso 100


7d,100-400, 5.6, 1/640, ISO 100


7d,100-400, f8.0, 1/500, ISO 3200


7d,100-400, F4.5, 1/125, ISO 320


7d,100-400, F8, 1/640, Iso 2000


7d, 24-105, F18, 4 Sec, ISO 100


7D, 24-105, F22, 8 Sec, ISO 100
