Help please

I have a 5dmkII - very happy with it but just had the kiss of death Error 30 - mirror seems to be locking up and not releasing within given time frame, so off to the canon repair centre, but that leaves me in a small problem as I flyout in a few days for Germany and Switzerland for a few weeks camera-less (apart from the Ixus).

So I could spend the money on a rental for the period or do I look at an additional complimentory/backup camera perhaps the 7d, 50d or the 550d?

I have the following glass 16-35L 2.8II, 70-200L 2.8is, 100L 2.8is, 24-105L 4is and the 50 1.4.

I was initially thinking of a 50d as a backup until this situation arose and now after reading the reviews of the 7d and the 550d I am more confused over the decision.

Your thoughts would be most welcome.