Hey All - I'm wondering if these leaning buildings ...A) ruin the shot, B) don't bother you, or C) "a little from column A, a little from column B."

I didn't want to cut off the buildings' tops. At 70mm that meant angling the lens upward a bit. I had a 50mm with me but I didn't think that would capture the "wall of buildings" the way 70mm does.

Any suggestions to make this shot better next time? Distortion, composition etc.?

Thanks for any thoughts you'd care to share...

5D 70-200 @70mm 25sec @ f/11 ISO 100


not that you need them, but here's the same shot with a few vertical guides

[img]/cfs-file.ashx/__key/CommunityServer.Components.UserFiles/ es.jpg[/img]