Well, It's that time again. Its been a couple of years since I have contributed to my lens arsenal, and I am getting the itch to spend money on new glass. I was hoping to get some opinions from the forum.

I don't have a particular purpose or need for this lens, But I am looking for something that is fast with excellent IQ. Outstanding sharpness is my number one desire, speed being second and macro capabilities would be a nice addition.

98% of my shooting is outdoors, landscape, wildlife, basically anything nature.

I shoot with a 7D, I currently have a 10-22, 24-105L and a 100-400L.

I am considering:

The 100L F2.8 Macro

The 135 L F2.0

The 180 L F3.f Macro

I am leaning toward the 100L F2.8 macro, but before purchase, I wanted to get your insights and opinions.

