Quote Originally Posted by bob williams

I shoot with a 7D, I currently have a 10-22, 24-105L and a 100-400L.

I am considering:

The 100L F2.8 Macro

The 135 L F2.0

The 180 L F3.f Macro

Hi Bob,

I have the 7D and the three lenses in your kit, and also the 100mm L Macro - I can assure you that it's a great addition to your kit. It pairs well with the 7D, too - the AI Servo AF mode on the 7D has mode that's a higher precision AF that's automatically activated when you use a (Canon) macro lens - so, the IS on the lens stabilizes angular and lateral movements, and the AI Servo II mode compensates for on-axis movements when shooting macro handheld.

I'll also second Denise's statement that it's a versatile lens - I've gotten great portraits with it, in addition to the macro uses. I posted these examples one of Jan's threads, but they are relevant here - they were taken within a few minutes of each other, with the 100mm L Macro.

Quote Originally Posted by bob williams
My only hesitation is that I really like the feel of L lenses with the metal barrels.

FYI, the barrel of your 24-105mm f/4L IS is engineering plastic, just like the 100mm f/2.8L Macro IS. The 100mm L Macro definitely feels like an L lens.

Good luck with your decision!
