I too have an experience with B&H.

I have been a B&H customer and have bought a lot of stuff from them, however going forward, I need to find someone else who can stick to commitments. I must have till date spent atleast 35,000/- USD buying stuff from B&H bringing them to India when ever I travel or any of my friends travel.

Recently I made an online purchaseof some medium format film(220 and 120 formats) and 35mm film and got it shipped to through UPS since my next trip to the US is not due for a few months to come.. When it landed, I realised that B&H had not even mentioned that the package contains film and should not be put throughx-ray.Thanks to that good deed by B&H the film is useless since the customs dept put it though x-ray(the best part is I paid customs duty for this soiled film).

I did write back to B&H informing them about this and also suggested that they should consider including someplace in their order form where a customer can leave instructions. This was acknowledged by B&H and infact came back to me offering me a 20$ off on next purchase and free shipping. The next time when I finally decided to place an order with B&H I wrote to them wanting to know as to how can I avail the 20bucks off and free shipping.... and guess what..... no reply till date, a number of remindersbut no reply till date....

I never asked them for a discount or rebate or free shipping, but only was suggesting something to help improve on their assesment/understanding of their customer needs.I wanted to avail of it since they offered it, but thanks to this, I do not think I would be ordering any more stuff from them.

If any body from B&H is reading this, please get your shop in order before its too late for you to react and realise that you are crashing. I may be an insignificant customer from a so called third world country but in today's world every customer matters....
