Hi Paul,

Beautiful Wedding Photos on your Website!

What time of day were these shot?

You mentioned that you were happy with your other lenses. I'm assuming that you meant you were happy with these lenses on the same 50D Body?

Is 70-200mm the longest lens in your kit?

As you are aware, the 200mm on the 1.6x crop (320mm) is going to give you a narrower angle of view, whichtranslates into agreater amount of image compression, as well asa shallower DOF, especiallyat the wider aperture.

It sounds like you like your first two photos better, because you have one subject and one background, so you are achieving your desired background blur, however in the rhino photos; you stated that you didn't like the OOF grass, so, you will have to treat the foreground grass as an additional subject in the photo, so as Neuro stated above you will need to stop down a bit.

You mentioned that you don't like to process your RAW personal photos out of the camera. I think that is a mistake, because RAW photos require some processsing, a simple jpeg conversion doesn't provide the neccessary adjustments. So, I would recommend that you make some minor adjustments in DPP or shoot in jpeg and RAW, or last choice shoot in jpeg only.

I'm assuming you are using a UV filter on your lens, but if you're shooting in overhead sunlight, then you should really try a Circular Polarizing filter in order to avoid that washed out flat look and desaturation of the colors.
