Quote Originally Posted by Daniel Browning

Quote Originally Posted by Keith B
I feel like I am able to retrieve more highlights and shadow detail when I blow a shot. It seems like it is able to eek a little more dynamic range from the image.

Oh yeah, I forgot that one -- that's one of my favorite features of Lightroom. It's highlight "guessing" software. When the pixel is blown, it tries to guess what the value would have been. Other programs have that feature too (including RawTherapee), but none of them can guess as good as Adobe. The only thing I hate about it is that you can't control it or disable it -- even when the guess is completely wrong and looks really unnatural (sometimes blown whites would be better than a bad guess).

I was saying in my experience with ACR CS3 and Aperture 2, Apertures Images natively seemed to retrieve detail better. I posted a while ago, in a thread similar to this, an image processed in both. It was an shot of a chef in a white coat. In aperture I was able to bring the burned white areas up and you could see the thread texture in the material. The ACR those textures were lost and the image edges looked harsh and edgy. ACR may be better two versions later though.