Just got my first job shooting a local charity triathlon event. I won't get paid for this but the organizer says they will post my pictures on their website and direct people to buy prints form me. Honestly, I would be lucky to earn my gas money from selling prints. However, I want to do this because this could legitimize my tax deduction on my gears, however small my earning will be, and give me exposure to the participants if they should ever need a photog to do birthdays or whatever.

My question is how should price my prints? I will be using the commercial printing service like Costco/Walmart.

Would it be reasonable to charge like $2 for a 4X6 print with shipping? Do people usually want the prints to be paper framed?

And how do you collect the money if someone just buy one print for like $2? Paypal would be the obviously choice but for $2 the paypal fee would be too much to me. Any advice is appreciated for this rookie, thanks!