Quote Originally Posted by Elon Gane
Should I return my copy for a new one or not?

I have never bought a lens that I didn't immediatly take it out of the box and start testing it to death. Every time I ask myself is it as sharp as it should be. After a week goes by I usualy decide the lens is acceptable and it wasjust me worried I might have spent thousands on a lens that was a bad copy.

I have only hadone L lens that I decided it wasn't acceptable and sent it back. It was a 24x70L, and even after I got it back I still think its to soft.

My advice is, make sure you know the return policy. Don't wait to long and if you really feel it is to soft don't heasitate to send it back and get another copy. I wouldn't send it in for warranty work because if it comes back like the 24x70L I have, it may not be correted. Get the new copy not the warranty work.