Hi all,

I am starting to do some paid portraits shoots (hopefully getting my first print order in today), so I am trying to figure out the best way of delivering the prints to the customer. I have been using myphotopipe.com for my own personal use and have been more than satisfied by their print quality and customer service, so I plan to continue to use them as my lab.

They offer the option of "white label drop shipping", where they don't put any of their branding in the package, nor an invoice or their normal promotional material, and they offer the option of shipping directly to the customer instead of me. It is this last part that makes me a little weary. I'd ideally like to be able to look over the prints and make sure everything is in order before giving them to my customers, but the only way to do that is to open the package and inspect, thus making itnecessaryto repackage.

Am I being a little too anal? Should I just trust the photolab that I've never had any problems with, or should I go the more expensive and tedious route of inspecting the orders and having to pay twice for shipping and materials?