I'm looking to put together a better walkaround kit before the weather gets better...I've only really been into photography for about a year, and I'm starting to get a handle exactly what my style is...I have a Tamron 28-75 right now. I'm very satisfied with the image quality, but I want to go wider. Much wider. As in, I rented a Tokina 12-24 a few weeks ago and fell in love. I use the Tamron mostly at either end...usually, if I'm using it in
the middle of its range, I could just easily zoom with my feet...so I'm probably looking at replacing the 28-75 with an ultrawide zoom and something normal/slightly wide/slightly telephoto.

Like everyone right now, my budget is limited. I'm not a pro, and as such I'm willing to sacrifice image quality for capability, and I'd like to kill as many birds as I can with as few stones as possible. While a Canon 10-22+24-70+70-200 f/4 kit would probably be ideal, it's not going to happen. Yet. I shoot crop...no plans to go full-frame soon.

So I'm thinking about getting a Tokina 12-24 for my main lens, and something longer for when I need it. Options:

1) A Canon 35 f/2, Sigma 30 f/1.4, or something similar. A wide aperture would be most useful to me in this range, but it leaves a big gap below 100mm (after which you can pry my perfectly-focusing Sigma 100-300 f/4 from my cold dead hands). A 35L would be ideal but it's too expensive.

2) Canon EF-S 60mm macro. It's an ok focal length given my other choices, and it'd be nice to have a macro lens. But it's not that fast. I do have a flash, but it'd be nice to be able to get legitimate fast shutter speeds once in awhile.

3) Canon 50mm f/1.4. It's fast and the image quality is great...but usually if I find myself wishing for more aperture, it's at a wider focal length than this.

Any other ideas? Right now, I'm leaning towards the 60mm macro, and adding option 1 later if I decide I need it...Other than the Tokina 12-24, I haven't really used any of these lenses in the field, so I'm not terribly familiar with their image qualities...