I've been trying to decide if I should dive in and buy a 5D Mark II now or wait for the Mark III. I currently have a 7D, and I'm impressed with the camera. However I think I could benefit from the full-frame for landscapes and the improved low-light sensitivity. The only EF-S lens I have is the 10-22mm, which I could sell to help pay for the 5D. I also have the 17-40mm L, so I would still have the wide end covered on the 5D. I would keep the 7D even if I bought a 5D, since it would be good for telephoto shots and as a back-up camera.

What are your experiences with these two cameras? Does anyone out there have both or have used both? Do you think the difference in price of a 5D Mark II now and what I could get for it on eBay when the Mark III comes out would be worth it for the use I would get out of it in the next... year perhaps?