I personally have a 3 HDD's in my Desktop PC and I have an external disk linked to my dad's pc where I back-up from time to time. It's connected via gigabit Lan and USB, so I can get maximum transfers of like 30MB/s

If I would require more room then I do now I would look at a NAS. It's a HDD storage device which is directly added to your network. They are not too expensive(the ones that come without a HDD in it) and you are able to put your own internal HDD's in it(cheap compared to external HDD's). You can then easily access your NAS disks by internet and network. And if you've got a wired gigabit LAN network like I have you could also be able to pull out speeds like 100MB/s. This combination would cost you more than just an external HDD, but it would also get you more. And it's very fast if you have wired networking at home.

Quote Originally Posted by Cozen
Also I'd prefer not to spend a ton of money on this as well, yet have it be reliable

A lot of times these NAS devices with multiple disk-bays offer so called RAID capabilities where you could link both drives or have both drives copy each-other to prevent loss of data when 1 disk fails.

Anyway at this time I'm still happy with my own solution, but when more room is needed...NAS is where I'm going. Oh and as an added benefit, a lot of NAS devices offer streaming services, FTP-management and downloadclients... Could be fun if you have a big HD tv and you want to view some of your videos or listen to all your MP3's...You're gonna need a mediaplayer on your tv to acces the NAS, but I'm just saying it's possible []
