Greetings All,

I'm new to the forum.

I have decided to buy a Canon T2i as my first dSLR (have not shot my film SLR for over 20 years). I have selected the EF 24-105mm f/4 IS USM for my walk around lens. It is pretty costly for my budget but I am willing to go for it. However, I'm wondering if it is too high quality for the consumer grade T2i. Should I go for the EF 28-105mm f/3.5 II USM (non IS), instead? Not sure if the weather resistance is that helpful because I don't know if the T2i body is weather resistant.

Similary, when I get the funds, should I go with 70-200 f/4 L in IS or non IS? A big difference in cost, but the IS feature seems pretty useful to me for a mid range zoom. Mostly, I plan on doing nature shots for landscapes & gelogy features, some wild life (low light), and maybe toy with some macro. With my HP-R717 (old) point & shoot I tend to do landscapes at 3X in vertical shots, then stitch the photos together to make a panorama.