
Scroll-space on any screen is a premium.

I think there is way too much wasted space between posts. I will think of each segment of each post as the "blueback posted by", the "white post body", and the " grey post/cancel" area, and then there is the last item. the "inbetween post" area. The four are very separate in spacing. I have four recommendations.

1st. Decrease the "blueback posted by" section height by 4-6 pixels and increase the font by 1-2 points, or make it bold.

2nd. Decrease the"white post body" section of the first and last carriage returns in the post body. It does not require 2 lines of white space at the top and bottom of each body post.

3rd. Decrease the"grey post/cancel" section height by 4-6 pixels.

4th. Decrease the "inbetween post" sectionheightby 4-6 pixels.

This would yield a much leaner and meaner scrollable site, and much easier to read.

2 pennies