Quote Originally Posted by ddt0725

Quote Originally Posted by doggiedoc
I can recommend the EF 50mm f/1.2L USM lens as I caved and purchased it over the 85mm. It's priced a little better. Do like me and "save up" LOL

I have a non-L 50mm so maybe I should take a closer look at the one you suggest. I am heading toward winter in Wisconsin and usually don't do a lot of shooting outdoors during that time. It will give me time to practice my portrait shooting and save up for come spring when I take inventory of my lenses and make a decision on what goes, what stays and what gets purchased. All new reviews should be out by that time also.

So in the meantime ...on with you on the "save up" plan!



The 50L is an amazing lens. Easily my most used and most trusted lens. The image quality is quite a bit better than my 24-70 and it is so much more fun to shoot with.