As a very new contributor, but regular reader of these pages I would appreciate any discussion on the usability of the Canon 135mm F2 with a crop body. I know the quality of the lens and what it can produce, but people that own the lens will have relevant comments on day to day usage.

I have read threads about the 85L verses the 135L and just wonder what users have found if they have both, which one they reach for first? I know it totally depends on what you are shooting that day, but as an example urban style shooting at a festival, market and so on. I have a 70-200mm 2.8 but it always tends to stay in the bag when I am in a crowded situation.

I have a 24-70 and then splurged on a 24mm 1.4 and that is my favourite lens. I love the vibrancy and saturation of the 24L prime and it is discreet.

I suppose I am working and saving towards a trinity of primes. Possible combinations could be listed below, but my next purchase will be either the 85 or the 135mm.

24mm, 50mm and 135mm or,

24mm, 50mm and 85mm.

At this stage no plans to FF until there is an update on the 5DMK2.

Looking forward to any feedback from experience with these combinations.

