Quote Originally Posted by neuroanatomist
I reserve the right to re-bump this thread when the next bout of <span style="font-size:small;"]<span style="color:red;"]Lens <span style="font-size:small;"]<span style="color:red;"]Lust or Body esire strikes...

Ok, so I'm back with a re-accumulated gear fund. []

After some serious thinking and reviewing this and other threads, I'm inclined to purchase the 5DII. Reflecting on Jon's statement, "Consider the 5DII, dude. It would be like getting a whole new set of fast lenses," was one big factor. Another is an upcoming trip to China this winter, where I don't expect much wildlife but I do expect landscape/cityscape and portrait-type shooting, and likely a fair bit of ambient-light indoor shooting. As the saying goes, if you need it now, don't wait. I'm still not thrilled with the 5DII's AF specifications, but I'm not trading out my 7D, so if I need good AF performance, I can get it with that body. When a 5DIII is eventually released (I'm assuming Canon will finally update the AF system!), I can sell the 5DII.

Assuming I get the 5DII, my first thought was not to bring the 7D on the trip at all, followed immediately by the thought that I should bring it as a backup body, if nothing else. But,I suspect that in general my 7D will end up semi-welded to my 100-400mm. I'll be keeping the 17-55mm f/2.8, since that with the 100-400mm and 7D will make a versatile day-trip kit for wildlife/nature. But, if switching to the 5DII for portraits and landscapes, it makes sense to sell the 10-22mm and replace it with something suitable for FF. EDIT: Forgot to add, but I have the 24-105mm f/4L IS, so despite a bit of barrel distortion at the wide end, I do have a wide angle FF.

After subtracting the 5DII, BG-E6, and an extra LP-E6 (nice that I can use the same batteries in both bodies), and adding the prospective proceeds from selling the 10-22mm, I'm left with ~$2500 for new lens(es). That leaves me with several options for something wide...
  1. EF 16-35mm f/2.8L - a direct focal length replacement for the 10-22mm on 1.6x; not sure that I need the f/2.8 aperture, though...
  2. EF 17-40mm f/4L - close enough to the 10-22mm on 1.6x, since it will be for landscape and stopped down, f/4 is fine anyway, leaves lots of extra $ (new 70-300 L, for example); concerned a bit about corner performance on FF with this lens...
  3. EF 14mm f/2.8L II - a great lens, but I already find it challenging to compose a shot at 16mm FF equivalent...
  4. TS-E 24mm f/3.5L II - never tried a TS-E lens, but I'm intrigued
  5. TS-E 17mm f/4L - as above, intriguing, would be a fun challenge especially with the wider angle, also good as a UWA prime even without TS
  6. Something else?

In addition to the above, I will almost certainly be getting the 135mm f/2L - I really love the 85mm f/1.2L on my 7D, and the 135L is that on FF (but with much faster focusing). With options 1/2, I'd just get it now; options 3-5 would mean a delay (but still probably purchase before the trip).

As always, any and all opinions and/or comments (such as 'dude, forget the 5DII, you're only a few hundred $ away from a 500mm f/4L IS') are welcome!

