I'm very new to this, so bear with me...

I have a Canon Rebel XT with the standard lens. I love the camera and would like to invest in a zoom lens that would allow me to do more. I've searched the web and read all kinds of stuff and still...way too confused!

Here's the deal: I want a good, versatile lens. I will be shooting everything from my 2 year old child to horses, still and moving. The standard lens that came with it is fine, but the distance is the problem.

I thought the 75-300mm would be good but read in reviews that it was cheap and the pictures where grainy?? I don't care to pay a little more for better pictures. However, it doesn't make sense to spend more on the lens than I did the camera...

I'm in dire need of advice. I'd just as soon hear from someone straight than someone plugging a product. Please help...take pitty on me