5D mk2 and 7d would be a good setup. You could also enjoy the larger fov!.. You are just going to have to consider the build and featers of the 1d series. IQ wise, probably won't take that big of a hit, just try to use the 5dmk2 for low light, high iso situations.

The 7d focuses very quick. The only time you would notice a difference from the 1d series would be sports and low light.. Doesn't sound like you are shooting either, and the 7d is good for part time sports photog with its 1.6 crop factor.

Yes I'm going to say this.. and yes I still prefer canon over nikon... but if you are looking for great AF in a prosumer body.. might be worth it to take a look at nikons line. that being said, I think you have some pondering to do.