<span class="field-item-description"]Bob Williams

<span class="field-item-description"]"<span class="field-item-description"]This is the hard part, I am not
very good at selling myself/work and honestly, I really have no idea
where to start--if you have specific comment or know of a good
example, I am all ears.<span class="field-item-description"]example, I am all ears."

<span class="field-item-description"]Iguide

<span class="field-item-description"]Hi Bob:

<span class="field-item-description"]If you are a humble person it is difficult to crow about one's achievements. There are a couple of ways to do it. You could go to a friend that knows you well and ask them if they could help you with this difficult task. Providing that this person knows you very well they most likely help you frame a brief autobiography, let them put into their words their impressions of you and your approach to your work. After they have done that you go over it and note what you like and don't like making changes from there. Often the two of you can come up with something you are comfortable with that is a good representation of you and your work.

<span class="field-item-description"]Another way is to hire a professional to help with this. They go through the process about the same way, they just have to get to know you a bit before they can write it.

<span class="field-item-description"]My wife and I have two business on the net and we had to do the same thing. Take a look at my bios page and read both of them, they might give you some ideas on how to look at yourself to come up with a "about Bob" section. You will find that people that like what you do will want to get to know you better to be comfortable and want to spend money with you, and that is what you want them to do.

<span class="field-item-description"]Lastly I wrote both of our bio's, I took excerpt from the many articles that had been written about me/us over my career and used that material to do the writing. I had first hired a writer and did not like what he came up with that is whey I suggest a friend because they know you fairly well. If after all of that and you still don't feel comfortable with it contact me privately and I can help you put something together. I'm busy now so it would take a bit of time but I could offer some help.

<span class="field-item-description"]Godspeed

<span class="field-item-description"]Wayne

<span class="field-item-description"]