Nice Autum photos everyone. Springtime in NZ.

That forested headland looks like a beautiful walk Yoni. You said EXIF is on Flickr but I don't see where when I go there? Was curious about the pine needle shot...

Went to the zoo last week for a special trip including hand feeding ring-tailed lemurs and cotton-top tamarins.
Had my hands too full with them to tote an SLR but got to take a few photos after that...


One of the recently arrived younger American aligators come down-under to visit. 1D2N+200mm f/2.8L, 1/100s f/5.6 ISO100 Av.


Sulphur crested cockatoo visiting from Australia. 1D2N + 200mm f/2.8L, 1/400s f/4 ISO100 Av +1.3exp.


Sumatran tigress trying to ignore her 3 mostly full-grown cubs. 1D2N + 200mm f/2.8L, 1/250s f/2.8 ISO100 Av.
This one is shot through glass at an angle and try as I might I couldn't shade the glass enough so it looks like flare on the right.


Meerkat on guard! 1D2N + 200mm f/2.8L, 1/4000s f/2.8 ISO100 Av.

Hope you like them. C&C welcome if you like...
