Hi Bob -

You have worked so incredibly hard on this website and I must say for the most part, your hard work and dedication has paid off! I really, really like it alot more now than a few days ago! The changes you have made are clear improvements!

But ...

I hope I am not the bearer of bad news but I think there may be a few glitches, I am not sure! I only took a quick look and did not go into all the galleries and hit the "buy" button, only the balloons & nighttime. When I go into the nighttime gallery and see the 6 photos and click "buy" there, a screen comes up that gives me a choice of prints, downloads, showcase and I get the same thing when I clicked on two different nighttime photos. When I go into balloons and see the 13 photos & click "buy", I do not get the same screen as in the nighttime gallery. Instead I get a screen that is pretty much asking me what quantity I want of each size. So from here, what if I entered (3) 4x5's, (3) 4x6's and (7) 5x7's, how would it know which photo I wanted in each size selected?? And what if I entered less than a total qty. of 13?

Your site looks absolutely fantastic but I think you should go thru every link that you are providing and make sure it comes up as you planned for it to. I think every gallery should lead to the same options once you click on them and then on an idividual photo.

I hope what I typed makes sense & doesn't sound too negative because believe me that is not how I intended for it to sound. When and if I ever get one up & running, with your permission, I would love to use your site as my model without making it too exact so I don't infringe on any copyright issues! Since my photos will never be as good as yours, I don't think we have anything to worry about there!! [:P]
