A few months back the wife and I took a trip to Vegas. My goal was to capture the Vegas Lights.....tough goal I found out. While I did get some fair pics along those lines (not enough to show) I got a few other types as well.

All but one of these pics were taken with the 5D Mark II and the 35mm F1.4L. Many of them were taken off the top of double decker tour bus in motion (you will notice the tops of peoples heads)

Comments are welcome (keeping in mind these are not presented as great photographic works...or anything close) .......

And if you know how to take pictures of all the lights without loosing all the colors...tips are welcome...

And if you got Vegas pictures ....Lets see them as well...


The only 24mm L1.4 Pic..and you can tell what it is



Strange Distortion???



