Quote Originally Posted by Jon Ruyle

I thought the idea was that the 1D would have lower resolution. 1D and 1Ds would be more like the Nikon D3 and D3x. Hopefully with a similar price ratio...

Nikon has shown that it is possible to make a full frame camera with a pro body that doesn't cost $6000...
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Yep, and Canon has shown the same thing for ~3 years. That's the 5D. It may not be a weatherproofed pro body, but as a single-digit model number it's a pro body.

Think about the heritage of the cameras. The EOS-1 was Canon's pro film bodies. When the EOS-1D came out, making sensors of size was HARD, and the APS-H was probably at the size limits of mass-produced imaging sensors. When they expanded their capabilities to a full-frame sensor, it came with resolution (11MP vs 4MP if I remember correctly) and therefore the limits of image processing meant there was a frame-rate penalty (4fps instead of 8fps). Therefore, they needed two separate models (1D and 1Ds) - why kill the 1D when it worked well for sports shooters, etc.?