Stuff on Canon Rumors can be fun to discuss...but almost all of it is completely bogus (although I give the guy props for re-interpreting his previous predictions in light of what Canon actually does, in such a way that he was right instead of way off base!).

Here's my take (again):

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<div id="msg_2576" class="inner"]How can it be the 28-135mm f/4L IS II when there's not a Mk I version of that lens? It's the same reason all the clowns who email that they've seen the 24-70mm f/2.8L IS II are bogus - there is not an IS version of that lens, so if they add IS it would be not be a MkII.</div>
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<div class="inner"]I don't get the 82mm filter size. </div>
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<div class="inner"]Also, what the heck is, "both in longitudinal and lateral vibrations will be dampened." IS damps<span class="bbc_u"]angularvibrations. Lateral vibrations are currently damped only by the new Hybrid IS. Longitudinal vibrations would mean forward-back motion of the camera; AI Servo AF helps correct for that, but for IS to perform a similar correction it would actually have to move the focusing groups - something that seems unlikely. And why does the rumor state that this new 'IS2' provides 5 stops of stabilization, then list the specs as, "Image stabilizer 4-stops tested"? </div>
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<div class="inner"]Given that the vast majority of Canon bodies sold are 1.6x crop, I don't see them taking anything from the wide end of a walkaround zoom.

I declare shenanigans! [:P]

Of course, the original post on beat me to the declaration - look at the last line, "**all of the above statements are<del>mearly</del>merely speculation and rumors."</div>