Quote Originally Posted by Jon Ruyle
Wow. You guys reproduce quickly. 10 generations unless I miscounted, in just over 150 years.

Yeah, our family motto is "reproduce quickly; reproduce often." [] In the genealogy book I have, Laura Ingalls is 8th generation, I'm 18th, and my daughter is 19th. Most generations of the direct descendants had over a dozen kids. My grandma Wilder had 20 (11 biological and 9 adopted).

Other interesting relations among direct ancestors:
  • Uncle of President Calvin Coolidge
  • Jotham Wilder who fought in the battle at Bunker Hill
  • His sons Stephen and Titus Wilder who were among the 400 minutemen that fought the British in the first battle of the Revolutionary War.
  • Thornton Niven Wilder, Pulizter Prize-winning novelist and playwright