Quote Originally Posted by Trowski

Denise, is your 70-200mm the IS version? If not, then I could definitely agree that the 70-300mm is an upgrade from the non-IS version.

Yes, my 70-200mm f/4 is the IS version.

It does look like we were on the same page so to speak at the same time! I think I'm going to stay away from the 70-300mm no matter how good it may turn out to be and keep the length I have with the 100-400mm.

Quote Originally Posted by Trowski
I'm one that has always preferred buying my equipment new. I like to know the history of what I'm using. If it interests you, keep in mind Canon has rebates for their Pixma Pro printers right now, making them free with the 5DII. I have the Pixma Pro 9000 II, and I love it. The prints it makes are incredible, I doubt I could do better going to a printer in town. They look awesome hanging on my walls.
So do I usually but I was thinking maybe refurbished rather than just used off ebay. Now that I look around online, a refurbished one is almost as expensive as new from some places! You are making that printer sound pretty good!

Wow, putting all this out in black and white sure does help a person think it thru especially when I'm bouncing the ideas off you guys!

Now I just need to wait for the Sigma 85mm to become available to possibly take my first step!

Thanks so much for the help!
