Quote Originally Posted by Steve U

I did evrything I could to make it simple and painless, but it didn't happen my friend. I just received CS5 and HDR Efex software and ordered a new computer system to replace the ancient heap of you know what thatI had been using for too long. I specified my needs to the sales person, Photoshop and blah blah blah. He said that the system I had chosen would not cut it, I would need quad core. "Quad core you say," I think, what could I have been thinking, of course I need quad core. I wonder if there is sext core, maybe I should get that. I didn't ask, but promptly agreed and laughed off my previous system as ancient and went with the experts suggestion.

For adobe speed ofa singleprocessesor is more important than multi cores, as most of the work will happen in the one core. There are dozens of blogs out where people complain that photoshop only uses one of the cores at a time. It was my understanding (possibly wrong) that CS4 would only use 1 core. CS5is supposed to be able to use multiple cores,for difficult functions, but there are alot of complaints circulating that it does not.Unfortunatly believing the computer geek salesman is an "expert" is usualy a mistake.