"What's bad about the Canon 5D MK2???"

Nothing!!! You should watch it from the positive side [A] Other camera's might have better characteristics for some tasks, but you probably know that already.

To answer your original question... I really don't have any complaints. Yes the AF is slower and the shutter lag is longer, which do make it less attractive for certain fast/sports photography. Especially the ones where the subject is coming directly towards you. The shutter lag causes the most problems here IMO. However I occasionally shoot different types of sports and I am actually very very happy with the 5D here. When it comes down to sports, you often want a very fast shutter speed. Which in low(er) light and indoors means that you have to push your ISO. Here's where the 5D beats the 7D in my belief. And if you learn to live with the AF, it would result in a sharp and cleaner image at higher ISO's. (Always look on the bright side [])

So unless you shoot sports on a very regular base and your subjects often come straight at you, you have nothing to worry about I think [H] I started shooting sports with an XSi/450D and it worked great and better than my friends XTi/400D, but in the end we both managed to get our shots.

Anyway I think the best thing about the 5D is the sensor and it's benefits. I think it makes good for the minor downsides like the AF of the camera. Plus you can make awesome video with it!! Even at higher ISO's....

About the lens. I have the 24-105 and I prefer it over the 24-70. I had both lenses at a wedding, but for outdoorshot I'd really prefer the 24-105 and for the indoor shots I used my primes. If it would be your only lens and you have a lot of indoor activity, the 24-70 might be better for you. Either lens will produce great results that's for sure, but the IS and range on the 24-105 are just great.
