
Quote Originally Posted by Colin500
The fact that some pictures in the slideshow on the first page leave black space within the orange border line looks a bit strange

-----Standardizing the aspect ratio will fix this.

Quote Originally Posted by Colin500
On the gallery pages with the thumbnails, hovering over an image reveals a "select" in the bottom left corner, and an orange square in the upper right corner; the latter does not seem to serve any purpose and should be removed so as not to let the user wonder about its meaning.

This is an indicator that exif info is available--whet you select the photo, you will notice a larger orange square in the upper right corner--if you hover over this, it will reveal available exif data for that photo.

to get rid of it do the following:

1. go to edit visitor view

2. select galleries, select a gallery, select a photo--any will do

3. on the top tab, select "photo page"

4 select page options

5. then select Photo overlay

6then select "hide" for the "full exif over the image"

bada bing---all gone, no more orange dot.

Also, Sorry about the Light Room suggestion, I thought you were using that for PP.

Hope this helps,
