Quote Originally Posted by patham
Would it be possible to do the same single image pseudo HDR with Lightroom?

I don't know if I'd call it 'the same' but a Google search for Lightroom HDR gives many hits, and the first one (Creating an HDR-like Image From a Single RAW File in Lightroom) seems to be what you're looking for, although it's a lot more work than I went through. There's also a Photomatix plugin for LR.

FWIW, one of the reasons that I got DxO was for better NR and lens-specific corrections (LR has them now, too, but DxO's are better for a variety of reasons). But, I've never used LR (and I'd likely go with Aperture for that type of application). DxO is really just a RAW converter, without the other features of image management that LR offers; but, DxO is really good at what it does. I previously posted a comparison with DPP.