Do you need 1000 horsepower or 500 horsepower? Do you need 1000 watt lights or 500 watt lights? 1/1000 or 1/500? 1000 ISO or 500 ISO? A single stop is a big difference in depth of field and light gathering power. As a self-confessed aperture addict, it's contrary to my nature to ever recommend anything except the lens with widest aperture, so I say go with the 2.8.

However, I will add a side note: for all overlapping fields of view, the 5D2 with the 70-200 f/4 will have slightly more light gathering power (better low light/underexposure) and thinner DOF than the 50D with the 70-200 f/2.8. That means the faster f-number is even more important on the 50D than after you upgrade.