First the BAD news...... About a month ago I LOST ALL my PHOTO GEAR!!! {was victim to a robbery} . Was really depressed.... my gear consisted of an XTi body with battery grip, a 2yr old 24-70 2.8L and a soon to be 1yr old 70-200 2.8 L IS a 430EX and a bevy of memory cards batteries and flash diffusers, B+W filters.. What really saddened me more were the loss of the 2 lenses. I really loved those 2 lenses. Best I've used to date.

the GOOD news.....

I am now the proud owner of a new 5d mkii a 580exii and a 24-70 2.8L [ bought it again coz i really like it's performance.] It's a smaller kit now since I'm back to one lens, but admittedly It is definitely a step UP from what i previously had... [ hope to surpass my LOST kit]. But for now this is all I have to work with. love the 5d mkii though.... right off the bat my first picture 1600 ISO flourescent lighting auto white balance only and colors came out just about right.... that put a smile on my face ..... made me miss my old kit less....

Next stop 70-200 2.8 IS II......