Good Morning All -

Not too far back I posted some photos I had taken of my granddaughter and they turned out to be a tad sharper than they should be for a more pleasing portrait look. A friend of mine here did a very nice job of softening them in PP which brings me to my questions ...

I just found out that my daughter will giving my granddaughter a sibling this summer and me another model to practice on! [] [] []

During the pregnancy I would like to capture some memorable photos of for example, my granddaughter kissing her belly, daddy's head on her tummy, etc. and when the baby is born, I of course want to capture as many memorable photos of his/her first days as possible including small group shots.

I am hoping that these first photos will less practice and more semi-skilled. Ok, well maybe I'm shooting alittle high here ...something in between practice and semi-skilled! [:P]

I am visioning photos where many are B&W and take on that softer look maybe out of camera rather than PP. I am wanting to capture a mood as much as possible. Hopefully, this makes sense! Also, I am concerned with lighting & flash of course. Too much probably not a good thing for a newborn.

Anyway, can anyone provide advice, links, photos with compostion advice & EXIF that will help me prepare for this!? It will be the first time that I have anything more than a point and shoot for this event! I remember someone here posting some beautiful newborn shots not too long ago but I can't remember who it was or where to find them and the setup info.

Is there anything I should buy that I don't already have (see profile)? I only have a 7d but with all fingers crossed will have a 5D mk?? before the blessed day ...even if I have to sell a few currently owned lenses to pay for it (considering selling the 17-55mm, 70-200mm f/4 and currently trying to sell the 1.4ex II).

Thanks All!
