Just barely tried my hand at this.. Hell, I hadn't even used the bracketing on my camera before now. I have to say.. TONS of fun.

I downloaded a trial of HDR Effex Pro. pretty easy to use, good results. I did a google search for "HDR" and was very impressed.. but the more I looked, the more a lot of them looked the same to me. Seems like people go saturation crazy when doing these. Also.. for obvious reasons, it's mostly landscapes or cityscapes. I went the other direction. I'm a HUGE fan of HDR photos that are desaturated/ a little noisy. Still has that pop and detail though. A couple of my better ones so far below:

My daughter Emily. Had to play "red light, green light" with her to get three exposures close to being in the same neighborhood. heh. After two takes she was done so I was left with this as the best possible candidate.


Took this at the coffee shop today. I was going to take a shot of the chair against the brick wall to play with it some more when one of the employees walked by. Made her sit for a minute.


I would love to see what you guys have come up with.. also any advise or tips/tricks you've discovered along the way.
